Kulshan Studios

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Why don’t my Blofeld/Moog/MicroKorg/JP80x0/Nord patches sound exactly like the demo reels?

As the Blofeld, JP80x0, MicroKorg XL, Nord Lead 3 and Moogs either have less-than-stellar onboard effects, or few to no effects at all, we recorded their audio using either the Virus TI2 as a passthrough to utilize its onboard Reverb and Delay to create the appropriate Trance feel that sounds will have in the final mix, or they were recorded dry and had Reverb and Delay added later via VST effects, for the same reason.

No additional processing was applied to the audio to sweeten it, so if a patch on your synth sounds dry, try recording your melody into your DAW, and use your favorite reverb and delay plugins to hear the sound as it is intended.

A list of free and inexpensive VST effects that may be used to give the patches more depth post-recording is included in the README file that comes with every soundset.

If I missed the 24 hour window and my download link expired, what do I do?

Email us via the contact form, and include your confirmation number, email address, and other relevant purchase details, and we’ll send you the file you missed.

I purchased your soundsets, but I don’t like the sounds. Can I get my money back?

As these are digital downloads, all sales are final and we cannot offer returns or refunds on purchased, downloaded soundsets. High quality audio demos of all available products may be found on Youtube and Soundcloud, and you are urged to use them to inform your decision-making before committing to a purchase.

If you have a specific problem with a technical aspect of any sounds, please contact us and describe your issue in detail, and we will do our best to help you achieve the specific sound you’re looking for.

My sounds aren’t loading into my synths. Can you help?

We can certainly try! Send us an email and as much info as possible about your setup, connections, and PC/Mac, to help diagnose your problem. If we can’t help, we will direct you to someone who can.

My JP80x0 Performances don’t sound as fat as the demos. What gives?

If you are using Mystery Islands’ JP80x0 VST Editor, check your LOWER MIDI CHANNEL and UPPER MIDI CHANNEL and PERFORMANCE MIDI CH assignments, and experiment with the numbers a little. Be sure to check the Performance Layer channel numbers on your unit, and try alternate channels (some sounds use CH 1 or CH 2 for all layers). Variations in channel assignments between your particular unit and the JP8080 that we used to design the sounds can result in certain Performance layers not playing back properly when MIDI notes are passed through your synth. Adjusting the Performance layer MIDI channels will align your unit with the bank’s numbers, and you’ll get full power out of all sounds.

My JD-08 Soundbanks aren’t loading. What’s going on?

The firmware in this new Roland boutique is a little… quirky… and there have been issues with banks not loading in properly on the first try. Make sure when you are doing the BACKUP and RESTORE steps to load in the bank, that you are following them exactly as per the Roland instruction manual, and that you are not accidentally copying the original backup file into the RESTORE folder. If the problem persists… keep trying. Some users have reported that it takes multiple tries to get the bank to load, but it eventually does, and all the sounds are normal and usable.

The -D.11 that the synth starts up to is also normal here, and it does not impact playability or performance at all. Just scroll down to C.12 to start using the sounds and you’ll be ready to go.

** We’re hoping Roland releases a firmware update that fixes some of these problems, and we’re talking with some developers who are making bank conversion programs to convert these banks to JD-800-capable banks and back again, and see if some of these issues can be ironed out through conversions. If we can make that solution work, we’ll get the new bank up in the store, and give out updated versions to all our previous customers free of charge

Follow the steps in the video below to install the soundbanks: