Kulshan Studios

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Scream! Hands Up Soundset for DSI Prophet Rev2

94 slamming Hands Up & Eurodance sounds for Sequential Prophet Rev2
94 slamming Hands Up & Eurodance sounds for Sequential Prophet Rev2

Scream! Hands Up Soundset for DSI Prophet Rev2


94 slamming Hands Up presets, compatible with the DSI Prophet Rev2 hardware synth. This bank is 100% Hands Up-oriented, which means no weird brass, pianos, or FX. The patches in Scream! come straight out of songs written using classic Prophet synths (and many more). So this soundset is designed to fully exploit the Prophet’s analog sound engine to its fullest potential!

Patches in Scream! are based on sounds from songs by the likes of Cascada, Tune Up!, Pulsedriver, Sven-R-G- vs Bass-T, Rocco, Novaspace, Rob Mayth, Groove Coverage, Alex Megane, Discotronic, Gabry Ponte, and many many more!

And to cap off the bank some patches were set to Initial, so you have room to write and store your own patches without overwriting any existing sounds!

Only 3rd party FX used in the demos was Virus TI2 reverb and delay applied to some Leads, Pads, Plucks, and Acid sounds. All other FX are 100% from the Rev2. These patches will work on both the 8 and 16 Voice versions (sounds were designed on 16 V version).

Requirements: Dave Smith Instruments Prophet Rev2 synthesizer

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